Prospect and Rye

It’s been a while but you can now follow me here:

Closed Doors

Agnes Coy has now closed her virtual doors. Thank you so much for your interest, support and purchases over the past 7 years.

The So Tread Softly blog is still being updated, at least for the next little while. Do drop by if you’re interested to know what happens next.

Kindest regards,

Alison Norris-Baber


closing sale now on

Closing Sale

I have just launched the Agnes Coy Online Closing Sale. Why not grab yourself an item of handmade goodness for yourself or your friends. A perfect opportunity to shop for Christmas!

The sale will run for two weeks only and then Agnes Coy will close. Payment is through Paypal only (a safe and secure way for you to use cards online).

Please note that I’ve set up the shop using Bigcartel. It isn’t always compatible with Internet Explorer if that’s your usual browser. However, it works perfectly if you use Chrome, Firefox, and if you’re a Mac user, Safari.
Happy Shopping

It’s time to…

…move on.

Agnes Coy  began just before I left England in 2006. She has been good to me over the past 7 years. She gave me a focus whilst I settled in a new country, she introduced me to some amazing people, she enabled me to make good friends, she allowed me to use the old, old fabrics, notions and papers that I adore and carried with me from one side of the world to another. She has played an instrumental part in my happiness and contentment and I’m grateful to her. I answer to Alison and to Agnes. I feel now though, that it is time to leave her behind as I look forward.

Agnes Coy’s final in-person event will take place at the Makers At Home Garden Party on 7th December where all products will be marked down. The online sale will launch on Sunday 8th December and will run for two weeks only.

At this stage I will keep the So Tread Softly blog open as I can’t quite bring myself to let that go. I imagine that my posts will be just as infrequent as they’ve always been but it will be nice to know it’s there to update you on progress, plans and even the odd online pop-up shop maybe.

I really appreciate those of you who have taken an interest in my work over the past few years and a heart felt ‘thank you’ is being sent to you.

I’ll post here again before Agnes goes.

With love and thanks,


farewell image

rathkeale Fete

Linen Stars for Christmas

image: linen Christmas stars

The Rathkeale Fete in Masterton is this coming Saturday(16/11/13) – always a fabulous affair. I’ll be having a stall there filled with treats perfect for wrapping and popping under a tree. The fete runs from 9.30am until 3.30pm. You can find more information here.  Maybe see you there.


New build, new job and new challenges, mean that I’ve had little time to stitch, blog and update websites lately. Life is changing, and taking it at a slower, more measured pace will return, I know, but just not yet.

In the middle of winter, a lovely customer gave me a box filled with the most beautiful linens, lace and garments. Most belonged to her Mother, Sydney who came to New Zealand to settle many years ago. I wanted to make a couple of items to gift back to her by way of a heart felt thank you.

Syddie a1

image: banner brooch

Syddie a2

image: quilted lavender pillow

building progress

My time at the moment is spent trying to keep at least one step ahead of the new builds progress. It’s happening so quickly. Decisions need to be made on pretty much a daily basis which is challenging in itself. As I research interiors and sort through samples, my hand continues to be held by Lisa, our amazing architect, who has the ability to reassure, focus and calm me in a sentence.

This is how our site looks today:

the new build - agnes coy 1

image: Mr TS’s workshop is almost complete

the new build - agnes coy 2

image: a message left for us by friends after the concrete slab had been poured

the new build - agnes coy 3

image: the frames are up in both the bedroom and living wings

the new build - agnes coy 4

image: our bedrooms gable end

the new build - agnes coy 5

image: mr tread softly making a start of the roof trusses

makers at home

cloud cushion 1

image: cloud cushion

cloud pillow 2

image: cloud cushion detail

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been busy preparing for an event dreamt up by three friends and myself. Here’s how it started:

‘Remember how our mothers before us used to disappear for the evening every so often back in the 70’s and return home laden with Tupperware? We were chatting about that over coffee a few months back and how it was really an opportunity for our Mums to meet with other women, have a glass of Babycham, a few sausages on sticks, spend a little of the house-keeping and talk about grown up stuff.
 Now, of course, we’d favour sauvignon over Babycham, crudities and dips over sausages but other than that, we still enjoy treating ourselves to a little something and chatting with people about subjects other than the price of nappies and the best way to deal with teething issues.
And so that, really, is how Makers At Home started. With the four of us each running small businesses that produce and sell lines of clothing and accessories, we thought that it would be great to gather in one of our homes and invite friends and their friends along for the evening to, chat a little, spend a little, drink a little and share a little plate. Good idea? Well, let’s try it and see how we go…’
We love the idea of finding new ways to sell our handmades to people who enjoy shopping responsibly in our beautiful rural community. We’re all terribly excited. I’ll feedback to you after the event.

just added

linen in the stars cushion agnes coy 1

image: in the stars cushion

I’ve just added some cushions to the online store including the linen screen printed one featured in the photo. They are also available with white print. Each are filled with a new feather inner pad.

I hope that you’re all ready for the cold snap that’s heading our way. This morning I visited the library to stock up on reading matter and we’re just had a delivery of firewood. Kettles on and hot soup in bubbling away on the stove top. We’re ready for it!

New build update: today Mr TS is digging the footings for the garage ready for the concrete pad pour.

Keep warm.


website update

zipper pouch queen anne lace agnes coy a

image: queen anne lace zipper pouch

I’ve just added some new items to the online shop. Thank you to those of you who made a purchase since my last update.

  • agnes coy website

    agnes has now closed her virtual doors.
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